Prediction Of Damages In indUstrial Maritime (PoDiuM)

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To be able to use the preventive maintenance model, please complete the interest form. If you have already registered, please log in HERE.

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Most shipowners already have or intend to equip their fleet vessels with sensors to collect data concerning both the overall condition of the fleet and the operating condition of the equipment and mechanical parts of the vessels. The proposed tool will aim at the analysis of data flows (collected by sensors) in real time with innovative approaches and artificial intelligence techniques, aiming at the prediction, timely and accurate diagnosis of possible errors in the mechanical equipment (with emphasis on engines) of ships.

Specifically, PoDiuM aims to optimize decision-making regarding the maintenance of ship engine components through early warning in the event of a failure, the ordering of spare parts or the re-routing of the ship to ports to replace components in the event of early failure.

The sensors that will be installed on the ships (and especially on the engines) will provide information regarding the temperature, pressure and vibrations in various parts of the main engine. This information, in combination with general data such as power consumption, main shaft speed, main shaft torque, will help to detect possible mechanical failure in the early stages.

This means that the shipping company will be able to effectively manage the immediate defect / damage. In this context, the technologies based on PoDiuM will be state-of-the-art engineering and deep learning technologies, creating an integrated information system that will predict possible damage to mechanical parts of the ship.

Solution Category



Towards providing a holistic tool, PODIUM will be a designed as containerized micro-services, that will fulfil requirements related to data storage, latency and security. The functionalities of each component are:

  1. Timeseries Database: A time-series database is a software system that is optimized for the handling of data organized by time. Time series are finite or infinite sequences of data items, where each item has an associated timestamp, and the sequence of timestamps is non-decreasing. Hence, this database will enable the real-time monitoring of the high frequency-sensor data while storing the historical data. The latter is mandatory to retrain/update the machine learning models for RUL estimation. To this end, we propose the RedisTimeSeries database as it is open source, also providing plugins for Grafana monitoring tool (see below) and most programming languages.
  2. MySQL Database: A common SQL database, where generic information can be stored such as spare parts, or maintenance information (i.e., date, duration, technicians’ info).
  3. Grafana Monitoring: Grafana is an open-source solution for running data analytics, pulling up metrics that make sense of the massive amount of data & to monitor our apps with the help of cool customizable dashboards. Grafana will be used to monitor real-time streaming data from sensors via the time-series database. Also, Grafana offers a built-in alert service in order to notify the users when an urgent abnormal behavior is present.
  4. Custom RUL AI estimator: The model for RUL prediction is comprised of two sub-models. The first one leverages a Random Forest Classifier (RF) to predict whether the system in question is in normal or in degradation operation. In the case of normal operation, RUL estimation is not applicable. To this end, it could be applied an anomaly detection service based on the work done by our team and presented in 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Where, various approaches for anomaly detection were implemented on time-series data, utilizing machine learning on vessel’s sensor data, to predict the condition of specific parts of the vessel’s main engine and thus facilitate predictive/preventive maintenance. However, when the RF detects degradation in a system, the sensor data is used as input to the LSTM RUL Estimator which outputs the remaining useful life of the degraded component/system.

Economic sectors


Architecture diagram

Diagram 1

Diagram 2


In forecasting, the degradation of a component or system is usually a non-linear function of many parameters. The degradation process accelerates over time until complete decomposition occurs. This makes fault prediction particularly difficult with conventional methods.

  • The main contribution is a complete framework leveraging real time data for various maritime defect prediction. The framework consists of two major components, a classification mechanism classifying the conditions of the main engine of the ship according to the sensor data and a time-series forecasting method consuming the time-series when the main engine runs under abnormal behavior.
  • The main difference of the proposed work compared to the existing ones, is the introduction of an innovative classification approach leveraging both supervised and anomaly detection methods as well as a probabilistic RNN model for timeseries forecasting. Furthermore, such AI techniques are not yet trusted and adopted to the maritime industry, thus our vision is to kame PODIUM a trusted and useful tool.


Solution Maturity


Third party services

Liability - Security assesment


Associated services


  • There are similar solutions apply to the maritime sector, for example, a methodology where vibration data are combined with performance data (cylinder pressures) for the condition monitoring of the main engine has been suggested.
  • Accordingly, two different thermodynamical model-based approaches to detect two common failure modes of large diesel engines given cylinder pressure traces are discussed and compared.
  • Additionally, Raptodimos and Lazakis investigated the capability of the SOM (self-organising map) to monitor the main engine condition by identifying clusters containing data which are diverse compared to data representing normal engine operating conditions.
  • Furthermore Lazakis, Gerekos and Theotokatos proposed an an SVM-driven, one-class approach to estimating ship systems condition, a methodology that is taken into account in this paper as well.
  • Kowalski et al. leveraged one-vs-one Extreme Learning Machine to classify the data in address 14 different faults and a correct operation modes.


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